Our Philosophy

KB Collaborations is more than a leadership coaching and consulting firm. Our driving force is a deeply rooted commitment to creating people-first workplaces. And the foundation to the success of a people-first organization is the ability to build and maintain healthy relationships with ourselves and with each other. That is why our philosophy and approach focuses heavily on professional growth and the stability of human relationships interpersonally and across organizations.

We believe that:

  • Every human being is inherently resourceful and has within them a capacity for growth and change.

  • Leaders who are self-aware and orient towards becoming the best versions of themselves are fundamental to a healthy organization.

  • When people know they are welcome and that they belong, they can actively engage in their work and fully contribute.

  • When people are freed to contribute their unique strengths, they can create exceptional outcomes.

  • The workplaces and leaders who invest in becoming people-first are best positioned for success in an increasingly complex and uncertain business landscape.

If our philosophy resonates with you, reach out. We’d love to work with you.

“When we prioritize people over profit, we create a world where compassion and empathy drive our actions and genuine success follows.”

- Michelle Obama

How We Do Things Differently

What sets KB Collaborations apart is our expertise at building rapport and creating psychological safety; enabling our clients to speak the truth, challenge the status quo, and get to the heart of what needs to change. We understand that even when change is wanted, it’s often not easy. As we work with you and you experience moments of insight and understanding, we celebrate that with you. AND we know that insight only gets us so far. Our role is to partner with you to apply the insights and understanding you gain and support you as you try on new mindsets, learn new skills, and build competence.

“Kristen is one of the most competent, compassionate, and compelling coaches I've had the pleasure of working with.”

- Tessa Chu

About Our Founder: Kristen Barton

Kristen’s mission is centered on helping people grow and develop, increase their personal agency, and work towards better self-leadership. When people are able to act from a place of integrity and in alignment with their values they can feel more confident in who they are and their impact on others can be compassionate, uplifting, and affirming.


With a talent for distilling complex tools and models, Kristen effortlessly simplifies them, making them easily understandable and applicable. Some of the models that inform her approach include adult stage development, positive psychology, systems theory, humanistic psychology, and mindfulness.

Kristen’s approach can be best described as an intertwining of empathy and behavioral science. She holds unconditional positive regard for clients while also challenging them to grow by applying insights and mindset changes through practice and implementation of new behaviors. Clients experience her as warm with a unique ability to quickly put people at ease. She orients from a strengths based perspectvie and enjoys building collaborative, trusting relationships with clients.


Kristen holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Utah and a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology from the University of Colorado. She earned her coaching certification as an Integral Associate Coach in 2016 through Integral Coaching Canada. Kristen holds additional certifications as a Prosci Change Practitioner, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Practitioner, and a Facilitative Leadership Facilitator.


Drawing on 23 years of experience in applied behavioral science, Kristen has honed her expertise and understanding of how humans and systems change. In her early career, she practiced psychotherapy before transitioning to coaching, leadership development, and organizational change consulting. She has worked with a range of clients from corporate, non-profit, academia, and government sectors.

Kristen has had the good fortune to live in some of the most scenic places in the western United States, nurturing within her a love of the outdoors. She loves cross-country skiing, running, and getting out in the mountains. Her other favorite past times are reading, cooking with her husband, drinking coffee, and spending quality time with friends and family.

Personal Life